Photo courtesy of Margaret Malloy

Alex Stowell here.  It is a sad day on the boardwalk.   The much beloved, long time Muscle Beach area resident Tarzan died this morning.  Tarzan was known for his affectionate smile, good mood, and positive outlook.  He lived outside in the area around Muscle Beach for decades. He was a  nice guy who did not bother anyone, never complained and did not harbor resentment.    He was a friend to us at Venice Paparazzi, and many others in the neighborhood and will be greatly missed.  Edizen saw him this morning when he was still alive and asked him if he needed anything.  Obviously it has been cold and wet outside and he must of been freezing and soaked to the bone.  Despite this, he insisted he was fine. Edizen came in from her workout and told me she was worried about him  An hour later he was dead.  We will keep the community updated on a service.

Photo by Edizen Stowell, Venice Paparazzi

photo courtesy of Margaret Malloy


photo courtesy of Margaret Malloy


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