May 17. Venice Art Crawl – The Broken Heart Repair Shop

The Broken Heart Repair Shop: Version 1: The Doctor’s Office
I am in awe of the heart and its value to the human body and soul in its anatomical and emotional properties. The beating of my heart keeps the blood flowing and keeps me alive. The beating of my heart allows me to relate to another person, place or thing. It enables me to love. I am in awe of the heart and its capacity to heal from the depths of brokenness.

This body of work is a metaphor for the process of healing a broken heart. Why don’t broken heart repair shops exist? If they did exist, what would they look like? What services would they offer? Could they really help? The installation, The Broken Heart Repair Shop: Version 1: The Doctor’s Office, offers the possibility of the existence of a place where one can go to heal a broken heart.

Where do broken hearts go?

A broken heart is not just the result of a loss in a love relationship-it can be the result of the loss of a friend, a death of a family member or cherished pet, a move or loss of a job, saying goodbye… A heart can even be broken open to an experience, to beauty, or to a feeling of joy.

But where do broken hearts go to be mended and restored? Version 1: The Doctor’s Office is the founding store in The Broken Heart Repair Shop franchise, offering plans for healing and repair.
Personalized service and diagnostics tailored to your specific needs.

Call or come by to make an appointment for a free initial consultation with Candy Frost, your local Version 1: The Doctor’s Office broken heart repair shop nurse.
Performance: experiential + interactive between artist and viewer
The artist as attending Nurse. Nurse sits with the patient (viewer) and talked about broken hearts. After the conversation Nurse issues a prescription (work of art) to the patient.
Artist Statement
My works are explorations. Self-portraits. Expressive of personal transformation and my inner spirit, fears, dreams, and passions. They are metaphors for my life and my relationship to nature, beauty, and the universe. My emotions, thoughts and feelings are transmuted through my work, which manifests a deeper, more heartfelt, level of consciousness. It is alchemy.

In this body of work I am exploring the affective dimension of art in reference to sense memory in relation to space, visuals, and experience. It is an immersive and experiential installation meant to trigger associations and memory recall for the viewer. For some, the doctor’s office will recall positive memories of healing and health, while for others it will recall memories of pain and illness. In addition, the concept of a broken heart will have its own personal associations for the viewer, triggering memories that will be experienced on an emotional level.
Monica Seggos is an emerging artist based in Los Angeles. An installation artist, Seggos focuses on incorporating variations of sculpture, assemblage, mixed media, performance, sound, video, painting, photography, found objects, olfactory art, Post-Internet art, and body adornment to tell a story within the tableau. Installation art enables Seggos to utilize various media while challenging her to maintain consistency in her work under one concept. This allows her to experience her artistic process to the fullest, while pushing the boundaries of her creativity to the limit.
Her work is self as well as culturally reflective in an emotionally responsive and experiential way, dealing with issues of process, space and time, environment, memories, transformation, automediality and relationship.
Seggos graduated with a double Masters in Jewelry + Objects and Design Management, June 2016, both from the Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA

Monica Seggos
Los Angeles @monicaseggos @monicalosangeles @onceuponaworthgown

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