May 3-19 Venice Family Clinic Art Walk & Auction

Art lovers and artists unite to benefit Venice Family Clinic, now commemorating 50 years of providing quality health care to people in need.

Venice Family Clinic + Artsy are thrilled to present Venice Art Walk: Benefit Auction 2020 featuring works by artists including John Baldessari, Gary Baseman, Billy Al Bengston, Kelly Berg, Enrique Martinez Celaya, Corinne Chaix, Greg Colson, Zoe Crosher, Danny First, FriendsWithYou, D.J. Hall, Channing Hansen, Lynn Hanson, Kenny Harris, Claudy Jongstra, Toba Khedoori, Robert Levine, Jens Lucking, T. Kelly Mason, Andy Moses, Ed Moses, Richard Parker, Renee Petropoulos, Astrid Preston, Ed Ruscha, Analia Saban, Kim Schoenstadt, Gregory Siff, The Haas Brothers, Vasa, and many more.

Auction proceeds will provide vital health care to nearly 28,000 low-income, uninsured and homeless patients in Los Angeles. Our innovative, integrated approach includes primary medical care as well as specialty care, dental, behavioral health, substance use treatment, vision, early child development, health education, pharmacy, domestic violence counseling, HIV services, street medicine for people experiencing homelessness and health insurance enrollment services.

Auction proceeds will also help strengthen our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Venice Family Clinic’s patients are among the most vulnerable in our community, and they need you more than ever. Donate HERE today.


Featured art by:  Johan Andersson

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