March 28. Westside Digital Mix at Canal Club

Join Westside Digital Mix on Thursday, March 28th, 7p at the Canal Club for a smart, curated conversation about tech, media, entertainment, and so much more.

About:  Westside Digital Mix is an informal networking group for digital media & entertainment professionals who live or work on the Westside in Los Angeles — from the South Bay to Malibu, Culver City to the Pacific Ocean. These ‘curated’ social/business mixers are a great way to catch up with friends, colleagues, and meet new industry insiders. Come prepared to have informative and lively conversations around business trends, challenges, and new opportunities.

Here is a message from Westside Digital Mix: 

We’re thrilled to have Dr. Emily Musil Church as our featured guest at Westside Digital Mix this Thursday at Canal Club in Venice. Dr. Church is Executive Director of the Global Learning XPRIZE where she is a strategist and thought leader, harnessing technology to address global challenges for social good. She has a Ph.D. and M.A. from UCLA, a B.A. from Drew University, won a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship and has conducted in-depth research in over a dozen countries on three continents.

LAST CALL for Discounted Advance Tickets!


We look forward to seeing you!

Click the link below to get your Discounted tickets.

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