View coverage by Chris Hooten, Heidi Lemmon, and Brian Averill
Here is an event recap from the amazing Heidi Lemmon.
The Annual Venice-Surf-A- Thon is as much a reunion as it is a surfing event. It’s all about the people; good friends, new friends, families, sponsors, spectators and of course the dogs. This year was the 28th year and it was a perfect day with blue skies, 3 to 4 ft waves, good food by Krilly’s BBQ and Venice Pier Project, lots of photographers, and of course surfers. It doesn’t just happen though and in addition to awesome sponsors, the guys showed up to judge, make trophies, screen t-shirts, set up and clean up. Many thanks to the volunteers who make things happen for the right reasons.
Big shout out to:
- Trophies: designed by Landlocked and crafted by Brock Mayeux & Norm Antonio
- Judges : Allen Saro, DJ Jacques , Chris & Josh Stark
- Timer: William Woodcock
- T-shirts : memory of Scott Anderson
- Graphics by: 72 Ink Sean Allen
- Ground Crew : DJ Jacques, Sean Allen, Michael Peterson, TK Venice Brand
- Fundraising: Hotel Erwin and Belles Beach House
Venice Surf-A-Thon producer and founded by Geri Lewis
Geri is the force behind the Venice Surf-A-Thon, and this year he pulled through with one of the best turnouts yet, even though his truck had been stolen the week before and he lacked transportation. Never mind, he is used to obstacles, and he just charges through in the same way he did to get the Venice Skatepark built. Geri attended 14 years of City of L.A., County and Coastal Commission meetings. He watched the funds come in and disappear 2x, council members change, but he never gave up. That’s the kind of determination that makes things happen. Like a dog with a bone, Geri won’t give up.
Chris Hooten and I work together on events. He shoots the action and I write and shoot the homies. He has many awesome shots from the Surf-A-Thon, so make sure to scroll all the way to the end to catch them all.
When Chris is not shooting Skateboard or Surf events he is the Lead Color Designer for the MARVEL’s new animated show “Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.”

Venice Surf-A-Thon event producer and founder Geri Lewis. Photo by HKL
Jr Mens division:
The ladies were killing it when they got a good set.

There was almost no surf up and down the coast except for the pier. At 7 am not much and closing out but after a couple of hours it picked up. When the surf dropped to 1 to 2 it was all about style.
The Venice Surf-A-Thon has been slowly growing every year but this year was the best. The old guard and the core surfers battling for bragging rights were a given but we see a lot more new faces and families. It’s the kids coming up that guarantee future growth for this event.
Longboard Division is all about health, fitness, comradery and maybe a
Surf picked up in the afternoon for a few divisions.

Brian Averill. Photo by Chris Hooten
Check out photos by Brian Averill
Much more than a surf event the Venice-Surf-A-Thon is a family reunion for this quirky, crazy, family of surfers, skaters, sponsors and friends. Check out photos of the homies!
Coming soon! Venice Surf-A-Thon documentary film
Ger-I Lewis founded the Venice Surf-A-Thon in 1993 after returning home from military service, wanting to serve his community. Thank you Geri-I Lewis for 28 years of Venice Surf-A-Thon!
View more 2021 Venice Surf-A-thon photos!
- Photos by Chris Hooten
- Photos by Heidi Lemmon
- Photos by Brian Averill
- Venice Surf-A-Thon awards by Heidi Lemmon
For more of Venice Surf-A-Thon, visit