Many came to test their strength and balance at the first annual Muscle Beach Calisthenics Jam tournament in Venice Beach, California on May 21, 2016. Event hosted by Venice Dynamics. Here were the competition details.
- Open: A B C
- Most in 60 seconds: pull-ups, dips, muscle-ups.
- Womans dead hang competition.
- Longest handstand.
- Tournament Format: single elimination. 2, two minute rounds. 30 second set max.
- Rules: All players required to referee. Tournament director has final decision.
About Venice Dynamics: Starting in the fall of 2014 with just an idea, we have now become so much more. Venice Dynamics is a fitness team based in Venice Beach, California. They focus on calisthenics, body weight training, and all forms of movement.
Here is a message from Venice Dynamics! “The first calisthenics tournament ever held at venice beach was a huge success. Congratulations to all the winners of reps and freestyle. @not_your_ordinary_dill_pickle won the ‘A’ division for freestyle, @gubbybearr won the girls freestyle, and to top it off, @anthology92 killed it and won the open freestyle division. ‘
Thank you @lvbarstarzz @phoenixdynamics @southcentraldynamics for bringing out your athletes, and being a huge part of this success. Thank you #parksandrec @rubberbanditz @straightjacket.clothing @carvebar for donating prizes, and giving the athletes a little extra for there hard work.
There will be more, so look for the next one, each time it will get bigger and better.”
For more info on Venice Dynamics, visit www.venicedynamics.com.
All photo by Andrew Soria (@airosdesign & @andrewsoria_art) below!
For more info on Venice Dynamics, visit www.venicedynamics.com.